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Ariso Recipes

Quinoa and Roasted Zucchini Salad

Last update date: February 24, 2012
Immerse yourself in the gourmet experience of Quinoa and Roasted Zucchini Salad. This dish is a harmonious blend of exquisite flavors, featuring Quinoa, Water. Beyond taste, it's fortifying your body with essential nutrients. Dive deeper into this culinary journey, where every ingredient plays a pivotal role in crafting the dish's unique character. Dive deeper into this culinary journey, where every ingredient plays a pivotal role in crafting the dish's unique character.
Total Time: 

1 hour and 0 minutes



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How To Cook?


Embark on your culinary journey of crafting the delightful quinoa and roasted zucchini salad by initiating the process with the soaking of chickpeas overnight, infusing them with tenderness and flavor.


As your culinary narrative unfolds, preheat your oven to 180 degrees celsius, setting the stage for the symphony of flavors that is soon to follow.


Gently drain the water from the soaked chickpeas, allowing them to rest on a kitchen towel as they embrace dryness.


Gracefully arrange the desiccated chickpeas on a baking tray, their uniform arrangement ready to welcome a drizzle of 1 teaspoon of olive oil and a sprinkle of salt.


As the oven awaits their arrival, place the chickpeas within and let them transform over 20 to 30 minutes into a crisp rendition, painting the canvas with hues of warmth and crunch.

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