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Helping India make smarter food choices!

We reveal the truth behind food items and help you understand its impact on 'your' personal wellbeing.
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    Three essential tools to uncomplicate food

    Tap the arrows to learn more >>


    Food and Label Transparency

    Spot which of the products are not clean (and why) and know about better alternatives.


    Personalised Food Recommendations

    Know what’s good for you and what isn’t instantly. It’s like having your mom, just a click away.


    Discover Clean Brands

    Shop for some of the cleanest food products on the market.

    How does it work?


    Fill our onboarding form and create your profile with us


    Explore and discover about food products on the market and how clean they are


    Learn about specific nutrition concepts and food from our blogs.


    We, then help you spot and understand what’s good for ‘you’ and what isn’t.

    We’re live!, try us out!

    Twice every week, we write something interesting on food and nutrition.