Helping you build sustainable revenue from an audience that really matters

Set your brand’s products apart by leveraging personalized nutritional insights and drive conversions and retention

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Make it easy for people to trust you and build conviction around your products.

Every consumer is different. Someone’s vegetarian and lactose intolerant while someone else is managing diabetes. We individually help your consumers discover the most relevant products for them, from your portfolio. Happy customers often come back to buy more and stay loyal.


of consumers expect personalized interactions from the brands they engage with their platforms.

(Mckinsey Research)


of consumers check at least two data points when purchasing products, indicating a preference for informed decisions about food choices.

(Bcg Research)


Companies that excel at personalization generate 40% more revenue from these activities compared to average players.

(Ortto Research)

How Personalized Shopping Experiences set you apart

Ariso’s AI understands user concerns, behaviours and product data to deliver insightful and personalised shopping experiences. Personalised experiences help users buy from you guilt-free and positively connect with your brand.

Boosts Revenue

Improvement in discovery and personalisation improves overall conversions and average cart value

Helps Build Trust

Transparent Recommendations from a Nutritionist help build trust in your brand and products.

Establishes Connect

An experience that helps your customers connect and relate with your products on a personal level.

Improves ROAS

Personalisation effectively caters to new users by quickly showing them what’s relevant to ‘them’ which also reduces abandonments.

Showcases Product Prowess

Effective tools like ‘Recipe Discovery’ and ‘Peer Comparisons’ establish versatility and nutritional density compared to counterparts.

Personalise shopping experience for your users

Get in touch with our team now.

Here’s how we make it happen

We build SaaS tools that build a personalized omnichannel experience and help your customers put initial faith in your products.

Personalised Tags

Users can select any medical conditions, allergies, and preferences they have and get personalised recommendations around their health profile across your entire catalogue.

See Tags

Recipe Discovery

Discover Recipes according to health profiles via Products from the catalogue and Discover Products via attractive and delicious Recipes

Physical Product Integration

Provide personalised user experiences on product packaging with a simple QR code when distributing offline

Peer Nutrient Comparison

Establish superior nutritional density of your products compared to that of your counterparts.

Ai Chatbot for D2C/WhatsApp

Engage your customers and potential customers with an on-site/WhatsApp-based custom RAG chatbot

Pricing Per Product

Below is our ‘Pricing Per Product’ based on the size of your catalogue.

0-10 Products10-25 Products25+ Products
Personalised Tags
23 TagsINR 250INR 200INR 175
+ Additional TagsINR 10 Per TagINR 10 Per TagINR 10 Per Tag
Nutrient Peer ComparingINR 30INR 24INR 21
Recipe Discovery
GeneralisedINR 50INR 40INR 35
PersonalisedINR 150INR 120INR 105
AI Chatbot
WhatsApp + WebsiteBased on RequirementBased on RequirementBased on Requirement

Billed Monthly*

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